The Fear Factor

by Jason Eddy

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

There is a lot that can be taken from this quote.  I think its relevance can be found in almost every aspect of our lives.  We are all, at some level and at all times, fighting some sort of battle with the universe.  This can range from playtime to politics to religious intolerance.  Whether we are the victim or simply a bystander of a given situation, we are at a certain level obligated to assist those in need of assistance, are we not?  If we choose not to help those in need, what compels us to make that choice?  I would suggest that in all situations the driving factor in this decision is fear.  Fear of failure, fear of retaliation, fear of the unknown.  Fear.

This particular quote came to mind recently in a discussion around some of the apparent contradictions that are alive and well within our Gentle Craft.  Though there are many to choose from, for the sake of this article I will use the following example.  Racism within Masonry.  Now before the passions ramp up and Brethren begin to potentially move beyond that circle within which we seek to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds, I will clarify.  I am not referring specifically to recognition of Prince Hall Masonry.  While I believe that there is a great deal of racism to be found within the “logic” used to support the lack of recognition in many jurisdictions, I am also not naive to the many other valid reasons that prevent recognition between Grand Lodges.  So to the example being discussed.  Racism.

How many reading this are aware of Lodges, or even members of a Lodge where racism is alive and well?  Personally, I am aware of at least two Lodges that I have actually sat in that would most likely not even consider allowing a black man to sit in Lodge, let alone petition.  How does this fit with Masonry?  I can’t help but immediately recall what we (in the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ohio) are taught with respect to Brotherly Love.  “By the exercise of Brotherly Love we are taught to view the whole human species as one family.  The high, the low, the rich, the poor.  Who, as created by one Almighty Parent, and inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, support and protect each other.”  Not only does this not support the idea of racism, but it directly contradicts racism.  Yet it is not at all uncommon to see or hear things within the Lodge that violate this tenet. But alas, this article is not about Racism.  It is about fear.

I digress.  Those who have encountered behavior contrary to our core tenets have, at the moment of this encounter, all been faced with a choice.   They have had to make a decision to either look the other way, or to stand up for what they know to be right in the face of adversity.   Again, I would posit that fear is the deciding factor here.  As this article is about fear, it should be clear to the reader that the focus is on those who choose to look the other way.  Let us ask why a Mason would allow un-Masonic behavior to occur without speaking up.  Perhaps he feels outnumbered.  Perhaps he is afraid that he is the only person present that sees an issue and doesn’t have the courage to stand alone.  Perhaps the person exhibiting the behavior is at a perceived “higher level” than he is at and he fears retribution.  Perhaps it is a sitting Worshipful Master, District Deputy, or even a member of the Grand Line!  After all, he could potentially be singled out and pushed out of Lodge or even Masonry!  The question becomes this:  Would it matter?

If a man truly believes in Masonry and its tenets, if he truly believes in things like Brotherly Love and takes his obligations seriously, should he not stand up in the face of everything that goes against it?  But what if he is expelled?  Ask yourself this:  If you are not able to stand up to those who preach (though may not practice) what you believe to be right, how can you ever be expected to stand up to it as a member of the profane society?  Do you really want to be a part of something that violates what you know to be true?  I would suggest that the answer to this is, or should be, a resounding “no”.

The good news is this Brethren.  As Brother Franklin Roosevelt once famously said: “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself!”  Light will always prevail over darkness.  Though the short-term results might suggest otherwise, I would contend that there are more among us who seek to proliferate ALL of the values and tenets inculcated within our ritual than not.  As I have stated in the past (though I am sure that the saying did not originate with me), it takes more than a dues card to make a Mason.  Do not allow the Light of Masonry to be diminished by those who would have you fear expulsion from our Order, or even isolation within it should you disagree with them.  I am writing this article for two reasons.  First and foremost, to remind those who believe in Masonry that you are in the majority (though often a silent majority at that).  Secondly as a warning to those who seek to allow ignorance and darkness to proliferate through our Noble Order.  Do not question the resolve of those who seek to cast the Light of Masonry wherever darkness is found.  No title, rank, or perceived majority of men who seek to violate the tenets of our Order have the power to overcome our resolve.  Masonry has stood the test of time and though often veiled, even to those within its ranks, its purity and goodness remains intact.  Live Masonry, Brethren.  If you cannot find the courage within yourself, look to you Brothers for support.  We will not fail you in your endeavor.  We will support you in any way that we can.  We will stand with you as you face off against ignorance.  We will be in its purest form….a Brother.

Thank you for reading The Laudable Pursuit! If you enjoyed this piece, please feel free to share it on social media sites, or with your Lodge.

For more information on Bro. Jason Eddy, please CLICK HERE

Bro. Eddy’s Blogs:

Musings Along The Road Less Taken

Musings Of A Light Seeker


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Of What Are We In Pursuit?

by Jason E. Marshall

(This Piece was originally published in the Nov 2012 Edition of Living Stones Magazine)

The question of what we are in pursuit of is posed to each Mason throughout  his initiatic journey. While there is generally a canned response, this question, and the true response that each mason has in his heart, has profound implications on a personal level, as well as what the fraternity has become, and what it can become in the future.

During my E.A. degree, I was asked this seemingly simple question; however, my conductor was asleep at the wheel, and instead of providing me with the normal M:.L:. response, he left me hanging out to dry. So there I stood, alone, blind, destitute, in a wholly alien environment, full of apprehension. As I stood there in a cold sweat, I tried to come up with an honest response, my mind raced: What did I really want? Why had I come to the door of the preparation room? Was I there because both of my grandfathers were active Masons? Was I there in order to fulfill a need for fraternal belonging? Was I there to gain some deep hidden knowledge? Did I truly have any idea why I was really there?

After what seemed like an eternity I had an epiphany, a true anagnorisis moment, where I truly understood why I had come there, what my intentions were, and where I intended my future path to go, so I firmly responded, “divine knowledge to understand myself and my creator”. I was of course quickly provided the correct canned response of M:.L:., and on went the initiation.

Throughout the masonic system, and in several other esoteric groups and orders I belong to, the seemingly simple question of what my intentions are, is almost always asked during the initiatory process.  While there may or may not be an appropriate canned response, I always take the opportunity to truly use the question to reflect upon what my intentions are. Why am I joining that order or group? What do I hope to gain from my membership or involvement? Am I joining just to join, and add another dues card to my wallet? I also, use the question in my life outside of the Tyled lodge room, to really get to the core of my desires and intentions. Why do I want to take that job? Why do I want to start or end a friendship? Why do I want to take on or deny a project or responsibility?

When I am confronted with this question, or I hear it asked during the degrees, I always flash back to my E.A. degree, and the accompanying anagnorisis moment. Anagnorisis in classical Greek literature is the moment when the character has a sudden flash of realization regarding his/her true nature and place in the world. Aristotle defined anagnorisis as, “a change from ignorance to knowledge, producing love or hate between the persons destined by the poet for good or bad fortune”.[1] In my moment ofanagnorisis during my E.A. degree, I came out of the darkness of my own ignorance regarding my true intentions, into the light of KNOWING what my desires truly were.

The realization on what my intentions were upon my first admittance into a Lodge room, has had a profound effect on my masonic journey. Since my true purpose for wanting to join was in order to gain a deeper understanding of myself and the Creator, I have naturally gravitated towards the esoteric and inner-work aspects of our Craft. Had I primarily wanted to join for the social or fraternal aspects of the craft, then I would have naturally gravitated towards those aspects.

The declining membership numbers and participation levels that our fraternity is currently experiencing, is due in large part to unfulfilling experiences that leave many members, new and old, wanting and frustrated. Regardless of your esoteric or exoteric leanings, something brought each of us to the door of the preparation room. We each were looking to have some need fulfilled in our life; and let’s be honest, I highly doubt that any of us knocked on the door of the preparation room for dully performed ritual, and boring recitations of minutes and bills.

It is often said that the purpose, or underlying objective, of Freemasonry is to “Make good men better”. However, in order to accomplish that goal, it is essential to understand what men are truly seeking when they join, which is why the seemingly simple question regarding the initiates true desires is so essential. While our fraternity offers many paths to its initiates, depending on their particular interests, it is essential that the initiate truly understand why they joined the fraternity to begin with. What brought them to the door of the preparation room? Because, if one does not have a firm understanding of what they seek within the Tyled walls, it is easy to get lost in the myriad of paths offered, or simply to become disinterested and disengaged. Also, if the fraternity does not have a real understanding of what its membership is seeking, then it cannot effectively meet the desires and expectation of its membership.

In order to make ourselves the best person we can be, and the fraternity the best that it can be, we must be honest in answering the question of what we are in pursuit of on individual basis, as well as for the fraternity as a whole. If a man has esoteric leanings, then he should be directed to groups and lodges that will fulfill that desire, without fear of being shamed or shunned. Similarly, if a man seeks to join for the social or philanthropic aspects of the fraternity, he should be directed to the proper channels, without fear of being looked down upon. There shouldn’t be a tug-of-war between camps of “esotericists” or “exotericists”.

By clearly and honestly defining motivations, intentions, and expectations, members can get the most fulfilling experience possible, and the fraternity can regain relevance in the lives of its members, and society at large. Therefore, we must continually ask ourselves, “of what are we in pursuit?”, and we must be willing to work and strive to make the fraternity a place where those desires are met in a harmonious and fulfilling fashion.

Thank you for reading The Laudable Pursuit! If you enjoyed this piece, please feel free to share it on social media sites, or with your Lodge.

For more information on Bro. Jason E. Marshall, please CLICK HERE.

Bro. Marshall is also the author of:


Our Body Is Our Temple, Let’s Keep It Well

Bro. Juan Sepulveda

Here is a guest post from Bro. Bro. Juan Sepulveda, with a sobering reminder that we as Freemasons must keep our external (physical) temple well maintained, if we are to properly undertake our external (material) and internal (spiritual) endeavors.

I have two little children and whenever we go to our favorite supermarket, we have a ritual that we practice almost every time. If I forget about it, the children will certainly remind me. At Publix, which is a wonderful supermarket chain here in Florida, they have a scale to weigh yourself near the exit. It’s not one of those fancy digital scales, it’s one of those elegant ones with the giant dial on the front and the needle that speeds up to the number of shame (or pride if you have been behaving well).

I am writing this shortly after the Holiday season and of course you can imagine that the sight of that needle approaching my all-time highest weight was a sobering thing. Of course for the children this is a fun activity, but I must confess that when I recently stepped on that scale I almost called the Manager of the store because there had to be something wrong with that cruel machine!

The experience was sobering because I am almost at the heaviest I have ever been, I am sure it is not new muscle mass. Which brings me to the topic I want to share with you; Our body is our Temple and if we only focus on keeping our brain in good shape, while neglecting our body’s well being, then we are fooling ourselves into believing that we are progressing as much as possible.

Don’t worry, I am not about to try to sell you the latest diet pills or convince you to join my P90X team (which in my case is imaginary), but I am going to tell you that it should become a priority in your life and I am trying to make it a priority in mine.

“When we focus on making our body healthy, we are better stewards of our role on earth.”

How did I pack up the extra few pounds? by not eating right, sleeping less and by decreasing my physical activity. It is nobody’s fault but my own, which is why I have to shake this off myself. The worse part of the weight gain is not the appearance factors, but rather the decrease in energy, the irritability and the lack of focus, which ends up affecting my productivity.

Here is where the word Temple comes in. A Temple is a sacred place, where one can get closer to the Great Architect of The Universe. If we are cheating ourselves from having a healthy body, we are not presenting the best version of ourselves before the Creator. Not to say that He is concerned with our new waist size, but when we focus on making our body healthy, we are better stewards of our role on earth. The more focus and energy we have, the better we can help others. If we have enough energy, then we can work harder and smarter to become the best version of ourselves.

Just like a well maintained machine can perform its tasks with ease and reliability, when we work on keeping our Temple healthy, then we can perform our duties with zeal, determination and effectiveness. We owe it to ourselves and to those around us to continue becoming the best we can and this is not limited to our mind and spirit… Our body is our Temple, let’s keep it well.

Bro. Juan Sepulveda is the host of The Winding Stairs Freemasonry Podcast, a program dedicated to Masonic Education and The Art of Self Improvement. He is also a professional artist, whose paintings are included in private and corporate collections around the world, including the permanent collection of The Museum of Freemasonry in Sydney Australia. To learn more about the Artist, The Masonic Podcast and to see examples of his growing Masonic Art Collection, visit